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1964 Auto-Universum, English language guide to world cars by make and model. Color illustrated. (64_Auto_Univ)
$49.95 |
1966 Auto-Universum, English language guide to world cars by make and model. Color illustrated. (66_Auto_Univ)
$29.95 |
67 World Automotive Yearbook by Motor Trend 224 pages (67_MotoTr)
$29.95 |
69 World Automotive Yearbook includes all '69 Imports & Domestics, Radical Tire Designs, The facts on Pick-Ups (69_World_Auto)
$39.95 |
72 Auto Almanac by David Ash 366 pg. review of '71 racing scene & new '72 cars (72_AutoAlmnc)
$17.95 |
Production Figures Book for US Cars through 1977 reference book by Jerry Heasley (77_ProudFigurUS)
$49.95 |
78 Cars' Engine Annual (78_CarEngine)
$2.95 |
89 Cars International 1989 edition of guide to current model specs 472 pgs (89_CarsInternat)
$69.95 |
90 Cars International 1990 edition of guide to current model specs 468 pgs (90_CarsInternat)
$49.95 |
95 Chilton's Road Report New Car Buyer's Guide 400pgs and more then 650 Color Photos (95_RoadReport)
$17.95 |
Auto Parade 1960, edited by Arthur Logoz, American edition of European annual (AutoParade3)
$54.95 |
World Engine Digest 1980/81 (81_WldEngnDiges)
$19.95 |
94/5 Automobile Year: 278 hardbound pages celebrating the industry and motorsports (94_1214441AE)
$49.95 |
Dream Cars, Peter Dron, Illustrated reviews of nearly 50 of the worlds fastest cars. (90_Dron)
$27.95 |
92 Gale's Auto Source Book A Guide to Information on 1987-92 Cars and Light Trucks (92_SourceBook)
$89.95 |
Modena Racing Memories: Italian Sports Car & Grand Prix Racing 1957-1963: 148 hardbound pages by Graham Gauld about Ferrari, Maserati, OSCA, and the others that made Modena Famous (60_128919AP)
$49.95 |
Sports Car in Competition by Hank Bowman guide to sports car racing in 1952 (52_Fawcett164)
$14.95 |
Speed and Sport the Sports Car Story by John Bentley 1953 guide from 'Auto' magazine (53_Trend104)
$19.95 |
A-Z Cars of the 70's (75_AZ_70)
$22.95 |
81-90 Amercian car spotters guide by Tad Burness (85_CarSpotter)
$29.95 |
Cars of Cuba; great american classic cars still in use in Cuba. 64 pg, color illus (53_Cuba)
$17.95 |
Cars of the 50's and 60's, Michael Sedgwick. Detailed lined drawings and color illustrations. 240 pg hardcover. (60_SedgwickCars)
$19.95 |
Dune Buggies, by Gary Gladstone, 48 pgs, 1972 (70_DuneBuggies)
$5.95 |
76-86 Std Catalog of American Cars, by James Flammang, 2nd ed. (81_StCatUScar)
$12.95 |
Seventeen Sports Cars 1919-1930, Peter Hull and Nigel Arnold Forster; from Alfa to Vauxhall, 192 pg illustrated. (25_83760085)
$19.95 |
Sports Cars by Jim Potter & editors of Motor Trend 1956 guide to cars and driving (56_Trend130)
$19.95 |
Sports Cars Annual, by Jeff Cooper, 1957 (57_Trend152)
$19.95 |
Supercars, The World's FInest Performance Automobiles, Jeremy Sinek, History and road test of top modern sportscars including Ferrari Porsche and Aston. Large format color illustrations (74_0891960414)
$29.95 |
Jump Start - Japan Comes to the Heartland, by David Gelsanliter, 262 pg. look at transplants (92_374138273)
$10.95 |
The Fate of the Edsel & Other Business Adventures by John Brooks 1959 business history (58_EdselFateAdv)
$89.95 |
Cars of the 30's and 40's, Michael Sedgwick. Detailed lined drawings and color illustrations. 240 pg hardcover. (40_SedgwickCars)
$19.95 |
The Modern World Book of Motors Cars by Laurence H Cade 159 hardbound pages publ. 1950s (50_BookOfMotors)
$19.95 |
More Great American Dream Machines, Classic Cars of the 50's and 60's, Jay Hirsch. 145 pgs (60_GrtAmDrm5060)
$19.95 |
Grand Delusions , the Cosmic Career of John Z. DeLorean - Hillel Levin (80_GranDelusion)
$21.95 |
79 Driver License Booklet for United States and Canada (97_DrvrsLicns)
$12.95 |
Great American Dream Machines Classic Cars of the 50s and 60s by Jay Hirsch 240 pgs (Great_Am_5060)
$24.95 |
A Better Idea, by Donald Petersen & John Hillkirk, 270 pg. business primer (82_395581915)
$15.95 |
Racing Stutz Ballentine Illustrated History of the Car Mark Howell 160 pg ill. (18_Stutz)
$29.95 |
The Future of the Automobile, The Report of MIT's International Automobile Program, by Daniel Ross & Alan Altshuler (84_MITfuture)
$6.95 |
Flivver King Story of Ford-America by Upton Sinclair 119 pgs 1984 edition of 1937 novel (25_882860542)
$15.95 |
46-75 Standard catalog of American Cars 1946-75 (50_135386B)
$69.95 |
Sports Cars 1945 to 1975 Encyclopedia of Classic Cars by Rob De La Rive Box 287 pg (60_EncycloSport)
$29.95 |
Speedy Wheels by William Bumble, excellent condition (65_059041996X)
$4.95 |
Reinventing the Wheel Ford's Spectacular Comeback by Alton Doody & Ron Bingman (75_ReinventWhee)
$4.95 |
The Machine that Changed the World, the story of lean production. by: James Womack, Daniel Jones, & Daniel Roos. (75_TMTCTW)
$12.95 |
Saloon Cars 1945 to 1975 Encyclopedia of Classic Cars; De La Rive Box; 296 pg, 750 illustrations (99_Encyclopedia)
$29.95 |
British Armored Cars 1914-45, by B. T. White (30_BritArmorCar)
$19.95 |
Motor City Muscle; Mueller, History of the American Muscle Car. 192 pages color illustrations. (69_124704)
$29.95 |
Automobile Quarterly's Great Cars & Grand Marques, edited by Beverly Rae Kimes, 1976 (30_GreatCarsAQ)
$34.95 |
On A Clear Day You Can See GM DeLorean's look inside the Automotive Giant by J. Patrick Wright (60_OCDYCSGD)
$14.95 |